6 MARCH 2015 Yorkshire Dance Centre
A 20 minute version of the original 40 minute solo performance will be presented and performed by Mattias at ’Friday Firsts’, This is Where It's At, on March 6 2015 at Yorkshire Dance in Leeds, UK.
Friday Firsts showcases new work by independent choreographers and dance companies working on a small scale. Each evening has its own distinct theme, and will often be the first chance to see performances by the most promising dance makers from Yorkshire and beyond who seek to experiment, push dance as a form or find a new voice.
Suzie and Mattias’ Wolfman/Lycanthropy was theatrical with a dark thread of underlying humour and had a confidence and conviction about it which I admired. The Visuals and soundtrack, led you through this dark fairytale in which man embodies wolf and takes himself to a place of almost lunacy.
Hannah Robertshaw